• Yemen Security, security services yemen

    Rapid Response Teams

    Griffin Security provides physical security solutions for the protection of equipment and personnel. Rapid response teams protect your assets in urban and rural environments from the most challenging to the most remote locations in Yemen.

  • Yemen Security, security services yemen

    Asset Protection

    Security of industrial plants and installations.

  • Asset Protection Yemen

    Armed Escorts, Convoy Security

    Comprehensive asset protection and security service solutions protecting the investments and personnel of our clients.

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Security Technology and Systems Integration ( details )

Perimeter control and motion detection, CCTV Systems

Griffin Security Personel ( details )

All candidates pass an evaluation exam, which tests the skills in the areas of physical fitness, security knowledge, tactical knowledge, driving, weapons handling, specific technical expertise and English language.

Griffin Security Management ( details )

Experience operating in complex tribal areas and high-threat areas accross Yemen. All personel undergo a rigorous screening and selection process .